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Warcraft 1.24b

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Warcraft 1.24b Empty Warcraft 1.24b

Mensaje por LuchioK Miér Sep 02, 2009 10:55 pm

Warcraft 1.24b Sin_ta10

1.24a-1.24b Ingles
1.24a - 1.24b Español
Patch 1.24b


- Increased max map file size from 4 MB to 8 MB.
- Added the ability to store hashtable handles in a hashtable.
- Added GetSpellTargetX and GetSpellTargetY natives.
- Added a new base handle type “Agent” of which many types now extend from.
- Added a SaveAgentHandle native which can be used for saving most handle types.
- Added a JASS optimization dealing with global variable change events.


- Fixed a few false positives caused by the "return bug" fix.
- Fixed a crash related to hashtable reference counting.
- “Shadowing” global variables with local variables no longer is possible.
- Fixed a type conversion dealing with operators (i.e. adding a handle with an integer).[/quote]

LINKS del parche 1.24a

Parche 1.24 a Full

1.24a FULL Español
1.24a FULL Ingles

Parche 1.23a a 1.24a

1.23a A 1.24a Español
1.23a A 1.24a Ingles

Cantidad de envíos : 1627
Edad : 34
Localización : Haciendo deporte informatico!
Experiencia Foro :
Warcraft 1.24b Left_bar_bleue500 / 500500 / 500Warcraft 1.24b Right_bar_bleue

Puntos : 6096
Fecha de inscripción : 09/09/2008


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